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The Iron Redskin - 1984 Reprint (Harry V Sucher)
Now: $188.00Was: $250.00Author: Harry V. Sucher, Hardbound, 336 Pages, ISBN: 9780854291816, 1984 Reprint***VERY RARE BOOK IN EXCELLENT CONDITION***Now: $188.00Was: $250.00 -
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Franklin's Indians: Irish motorcycle racer Charles B Franklin, designer of the Indian Chief
Veloce Publishing
$55.95Author: Harry V Sucher, Tim Pickering, Liam Diamond, Harry Havelin, ISBN: 9781787112230, Veloce Classic Reprint 2018, The Indian has been the iconic image for American big V-Twins down the years, due in no small measure to the motorcycles designed by...$55.95 -
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The Indian 1901 - 1978 The History of a Classic American Motorcycle
$79.95Author: Tod Rafferty, ISBN: 9780785833123, Pages: 144, Hardcover, Published in 2016 As the dominant manufacturer for the first two decades of this century, the Indian Motorcycle Company is a staple in the history of American motorcycling. Because of...$79.95 -
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Indian Motorcycle - America's First Motorcycle Company
$89.95Author: Darwin Holmstorm, Hardbound, 224 Pages, ISBN: 9780760348635, First Published, August, 2016 Indian Motorcycle: America's First Motorcycle Company tells the complete story of Indian, America's first mass-produced motorcycle maker, from...$89.95 -
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Franklin's Indians Irish motorcycle racer Charles B Franklin, designer of the Indian Scout & Chief
$109.95Authors: Harry V Sucher, Tim Pickering, Liam Diamond, Harry Havelin, Hardbound, 337 Pages, ISBN: 9780956497550 1st Edition, 2011 The Indian has been the iconic image forAmerican bigV-Twins down the years, due in no small measure to the motorcycles...$109.95 -
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The Iron Redskin - The History of The Indian Motorcycle
$299.95By: Harry V. Sucher . ** VERY RARE BOOK IN EXCELLENT UNOPENED CONDITION** Description INDIAN is a magic name in motorcycling. Its mention brings to mind machines lithe of appearance with flamboyant bold striping and, seemingly even at rest, poised for...$299.95