Lambretta DL/GP - History, models and documents
Giorgio NADA Editore
$95.00The fascinating story of the Milanese scooter par excellence concluded with the Lambretta DL-GP series. This book looks at all aspects of this special scooter: its history, its technical evolution, its sporting victories, with a specific chapter devoted...$95.00 -
Lambretta D/LD 125/150: 1951-1958 History, Models and Documents (Vittorio Tessera)
Giorgio NADA Editore
$95.00The industrial and technical history of the Lambretta D\/LD series, the classic Lambretta par excellence, the model that has represented the purest essence of the scooter “made in Italy”, as told through invaluable archive materials...$95.00 -
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Lambretta Tv/Li Scooterlinea : Terza Serie Storia, Modelli E Ducumenti / Series 3 History, Models and Documentation
Giorgio NADA Editore
$95.00Author: Vittorio Tessera, ISBN: 9788879117463, paperback, 120 pages, Published in 2019 A book dedicated to a true milestone in the history of the Innocenti scooter: "Scooterlinea 1962", a thoroughly revised Lambretta that was a protagonist on...$95.00 -
Lambretta Liu - History, Models & Documentation
Giorgio NADA Editore
$89.95Author : Vittorio Tessera ISBN : 9788879117043 Paperback 200 Pages The first and only monograph entirely devoted to the Lambretta LUI scooter, produced by Innocenti in their tens of thousands, designed by that master of body styling, Nuccio...$89.95 -
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Book Of The Lambretta 125 & 150cc 1947-1957 ( 2010 Veloce Press Reprint)
$69.95Author: R.H.Warring, ISBN: 9781588500946, 2010 VelocePress Reprint of Floyd Clymer publication Originally published under the title The Book of the Lambretta by R. H. Warring this is a faithful reproduction of the Floyd Clymer publication of...$69.95 -
The Lambretta Bible - All Models Built in Italy 1947 - 1971 - (paperback)
Veloce Publishing
$55.00Author: Pete Davies, ISBN: 9781845845216, Published in 2013, paperback, 160 pages - Revised from Original Edition published 2008 The second edition of The Lambretta Bible- an in-depth look at one of the world's greatest scooter marques - includes...$55.00 -
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The Lambretta Bible - 1st Edition
Veloce Publishing
$199.95By: Pete Davies . This book covers all Lambretta models build in Italy 1947 - 1971. An in-depth look at the world’s finest scooter, from the Model A to the GP 200. The Lambretta story doesn’t end there though, with the focus moving onto...$199.95 -
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Lambretta LI Series Scooters
Veloce Publishing
$49.99By: Andrea, David Sparrow . Introduced as a more stylish and versatile alternative to the popular and practical Lambretta LD series, the LI was produced by Innocenti in various guises from 1957 until the last Lambrettas of all rolled off the production...$49.99